• Government of Meghalaya

Case No Complainant (s) Respondent (s) Reason Date Close
Case No.2/2019 Shri.Kronding Nongsbab Executive Engineer PWD (Road) No Prima Facie Evidence. 22/01/2020
Case No.4/2019 Shri. Abdus Sattar Sr & 121 (One hundred Twenty One) Shri. Abu Bakkar Siddique Dismissed in Withdrawn from the Complainant 07/03/2023
Case no.1/2020 Shri. Abhijit Basumatary 71 (seventy one) Ors Pending in the High Court and Lokayukta was never made party  
Case No.2/2020 Shri. Stevie M.Marak Deputy Commissioner, SWGH, Ampati No prima facie case of corruption exists in the instant case. 19/11/2020
Case No.3/2020 Shri.Nippier R.Marak Shri.Saintfield Ch.Sangma and 3 (three) Ors There is no finding. The present proceeding is no longer warranted under the existing law and liable to be closed. 19/11/2020
Case No.4/2020 Shri.Kingstone Bolwari.Marak & 1 (one) Shri.Mofudur Rahman & 8 (eight) Ors Since there is no evidence as per the investigation report to proceed under section 7, 8 & 9 of the Prevention of Corruption (Amendment) Act, 2018, the case is closed. 29/11/2022
Case No.5/2020 Shri.Nilbath Ch.Marak Shri.Denang T.Sangma & 17 (seventeen) Ors Due of lack of jurisdiction over the non- Government servant, persons like the contractors as mentioned earlier and other legal hurdles, in the greater interest of public and for doing justice it is directed that:-
  1. The complaint petition be treated and registered as FIR under proper section of law and investigated by local Police under the supervision of the Additional SP, Williamnagar.
  2. The person/persons against whom prima facie case of misuse and misappropriation of fund is found, be brought to book and prosecuted in accordance with the provision under the code of criminal procedure and punished under Indian Penal code and/or appropriate law.
  3. The DGP Meghalaya shall monitor the entire criminal prosecution.
  4. The SP Williamnagar, shall inform the registry of the Lokayukta about the initiation of criminal proceedings within 10 (ten) days from the date of receipt of this order.
There will be no bar for the complainant to inform this forum about the status of the implementation of this order after ten (10) days, if so advised. With the aforesaid directions, the proceeding stands closed without recommendation for prosecution under the existing Lokayukta Act.
Consequently, this complaint case stands disposed of.
Case No.6/2020 Shri.Nur Islam Shri.Hasan Ali & 4 (four) Ors No Prima Facie evidence, complaint case is hereby closed. 13/09/2022
Case No.7/2020 Shri.Kingstone Bolwari Sangma Smti.Rikse R. Marak & 3 (three) Ors Accordingly, this proceeding stands closed with the following directions: -
  1. The Commissioner and Secretary to the Govt. of Meghalaya, District Council Affairs Department shall cause an Inquiry departmentally to find out and take necessary action accordance to law against any wrong doer.
  2. In case in the probe, any prima facie case of misused or misappropriation of staff salary is found, the Department shall initiate criminal proceeding in accordance with law.
Consequently, this complaint case stands disposed of.
Case No.8/2020 GHADC Non-Gazetted emplyees Association, Tura. Shri. Dipul R.Marak & 1 (One) Other. No prima facie evidence. 10/06/2022
Case No.9/2020 Shri. Ahinur Islam Shri. Mokbul Hussain & 3 (three) Ors In this case prima facie case of misuse of power, misuse and misappropriation of fund have been found. The inquiry report, however, does not disclose prima facie case of corruption to recommend prosecution of the respondents contractors under the existing Meghalaya Lokayukta Act, 2014.
The charges of misuse, misappropriation, mis utilization/ non utilization of public fund can be dealt with under the existing criminal procedure code and punished under the IPC.
In view of the above discussion, it can be concluded that justice could be done if the matter is refered to police for proper and in-depth investigation and taking appropriate steps as per the law.
In the aforesaid facts and circumstances and legal position, the SP West Garo Hills District, Tura, is directed to treat the representation dated 22.05.2020 earlier filed by a job card holder Shri. Ahinur Islam (complainant) resident of Shialkandi village, MGNREGS, West Garo Hills as FIR, register it under proper section of law and investigate the matter in accordance with law within 7 (seven) days from the date of reciept of this order.
The Additional SP of the aforesaid district shall supervise the investigation till conclusion and see that the person found involved in the offence are brought to book forthwith. With the aforesaid directions, this complaint petition stands disposed of.
There will be no bar for the complainant to inform this forum about the status of the implementation of this order after three (7) days, if so advised.
Consequently, this complaint case stands disposed of.
Case No.10/2020 Shri.Zakir Hussain & 1 (one) other Shri.Prittingson R.Sangma & 9 (Nine) Others There is no Prima facie evidence of alleged corruption against the public servant and the instant case is hereby Closed. 29/03/2022
Case No.11/2020 Shri. Babul Ahmed Smti Mary Lisa Marak & 4 (Four) others. In the aforesaid facts and circumstances, I propose to dispose of this complaint petition with the following directions –
  1. The Principal Secretary to the Government of Meghalaya, in charge of C&RD Department, shall cause a probe into the allegations for fixing the responsibilities for non-execution/ non implementation of works if any, in regard to projects in question and non-submission of utilization of funds and initiate departmental action against the officers concerned, if so warranted, as per the existing law and rules.
  2. The Principal Secretary to the Government of Meghalaya, C&RD Department, may initiate criminal proceeding also against the officers concerned, if so warranted, and bring them to book, if they are found involved in the alleged misappropriation of public funds.
Needless to say that that the Principal Secretary concerned shall intimate the registry of this forum about the initiation of probe by the department as well as initiation of criminal proceeding within 10 (ten) days from the date of receipt of this order. There will be no bar for the complainant to inform from his end about the action taken by the department.

Consequently this complaint case stands disposed of.
Case No.12/2020 Shri. Abdus Salam Sk. Shri.Islam Hoque & 4 (four) Others Having considered the aforesaid inquiry report it is directed that the District School Education Officer, West Garo Hills, Tura lodge an FIR at the local Police station which should be registered, investigated for the prosecution in accordance with law. The respondent shall be brought to book immediately, if so warranted, during investigation.
The SP of Tura shall monitor the criminal prosecution and submit status report within 15 days from the date of receipt of this order.
Consequently, this complaint case stands disposed of.
Case No.13/2020 Shri.Kingstone Bolwari Sangma Shri.Dipakor Mishra & 4 (four) Others Having considered the entire facts and circumstances, it has become expedient to make the following directions-
  1. The Superintendent of police, West Garo Hills District, Tura shall take necessary steps for resumption of investigation of the Tikrikilla PS case No.3 (3) 2011 and get the investigation completed under his supervision and monitoring at the earliest.
  2. The SP shall get the respondent contractor brought to book immediately, if so warranted and proceed with prosecution in accordance with law.
  3. The Deputy Commissioner, West Garo Hills District, Tura shall intimate or report the status of the Money Suit filed on 07.06.2011 by the Governing Body, Tikrikilla College and, if the case is still pending, take necessary legal steps to decide/ adjudicate the same as expeditiously as possible in accordance with law.
  4. The Secretary of Governing Body of Tikrikilla College, may, if so advised, file a petition before the concern Civil Court for early adjudication of the said Money Suit.
The responsibility of completing the process of prosecution and filing charge sheet in the Appropriate Court is left with the Investigating Agency.
With the aforesaid directions, this complaint petition stands disposed of.
Case No.1/2021 Dr.Mukul M.Sangma State of Meghalaya & others The State Government has no doubt indicated the action already taken by it and their action plan, but it is quite doubtful if they would yield the desired result. There should be inquiry to find out the mastermind of the illegal mining and transportation of coal. This could be unearthed only by an independent inquiry by Central Organization like CBI. This forum earlier passed some order for CBI inquiry but the same is under challenge in the Hon’ble Meghalaya High Court. Having no scope for ordering CBI inquiry, it is felt proper to advise the State Government to recommend CBI inquiry, from their end. It is to everybody’s knowledge that the racket is being run by some powerful syndicate against whom no individual citizen could come forward to lodge a complaint revealing their identities .The popularly elected State Government for the benefit of the entire society, particularly for the economic interest, is expected to take a decision on this.
This petition accordingly stands disposed of.
Case No.3/2021 Shri.Hitlar Dkhar & 1 (One) other. Shri. Tynshain Wanwar & 2 (Two) Others. The Chairman and the Secretary of the VEC are not within the jurisdiction of this forum as laid down under Section 14 of the Meghalaya Lokayukta Act, 2014 and are not the Public Servants read with clause (3) of section 2 of the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988.
“The Chairman and the Secretary of the VEC are elected members of the job card holders to run the affairs of the Village Employment Council for execution of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guaranteed Scheme in the concerned village without payment or annual income. Their names do not find place either in section 14 of the Meghalaya Lokayukta Act, 2014 or under clause (c) of Section 2 Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 and the complaint petition filed on the 25/03/2021 is hereby dismissed.“
Case No.1/2022 Shri. Dudu Miah & 1 (one) other. Smti. Sufia Shah & 5 (five) Others. Seen and perused an affidavit dated 26/09/2022 filed by the Principle Secretary to the Government of Meghalaya Community and Rural Development Department that.
  1. Circular have been issued vide No.CDD.54/2022/245 dated 13/09/2022 by the Principal Secretary to all concerned regarding engagement of labourers by the Job card holders to work in their names.
  2. Personnel and AR (A) Department vide letter No.PER.23/2022/320 dated 07/09/2022 had asked the Community and Rural Development Department to furnish the draft article of charge against Shri Daplin D.Sangma MCS the then BDO of Zigzak Community and Rural Development Block.
Since the Community and Rural Development Department had complied with the order dated 26/08/2022, the case is hereby closed.
Copy to all parties.
Case No.2/2022 Smti. Semi Momtaz Begum. State of Meghalaya& 5 (five) others. As per the preliminary report there is no prima facie evidence of corruption exist against the Respondents which warrant investigation.
Regarding the allegation that no election was held for the office bearers of the Fakirpara Village Employment council I leave it to the Community and Rural Development to take action.
The case is hereby dropped.
Case No.3/2022 Shri.Saket. S.Ghokhale Shri. Gabriel K. Iangrai and 1(one) other. Complainant absent without step and the case is dismissed on default. 15/11/2022
Case No.4/2022 Shri.Monirul Islam & 1 (one) other. Shri. Eddris Mondal & 6 (six) others. Perused the preliminary report.
Most of the works have been completed as per the preliminary report.
However the following works are yet to start but the wages amount have been credited to the bank accounts of the Job card holders.
  1. Construction of jeepable road with retaining wall at Kasharipara.
  2. Construction of CC footpath at Kasharipara.
  3. Construction of elevated water tank 5 (five) numbers.
Hence I am satisfied that there is no prima facie case of corruption against the public servants as per the preliminary report and the case is disposed of as follows:-
  1. The Community and Rural Development Department shall cause and enquiry regarding payment of wages to the Job card holders, when the work have not been started as mentioned in the preliminary report and take action accordingly.
  2. The proceeding is hereby closed.
Copy of this order to all the parties.
Case No.1/2023 Shri.Tengsimbirth G.Momin Shri.Marthon J.Sangma & 4 (four) others. Learned counsel for the Complainant absent without step and the complaint is dismissed on default. 27/06/2023
Case No.2/2023 Shri.Azimuddin Sheikh. The Director of School Education & Literacy, Shillong, Meghalaya & 3 (three) others. This complainant petition stands dismissed as withdrawn by the Complainant accordingly. 08/08/2023
Case No.4/2023 Shri.Story Kurbah State of Meghalaya & 6 (six) This complainant petition withdrawn by the Complainant accordingly. 03/08/2023